How can a novice do a good job in short video operation? Master these 5 tips!


Short video operation is a very popular field now, and many people have turned to the self-media field. So how to do a good job of short video operation?

1. Define your own positioning There are many short video platforms, each with different characteristics and user groups, so we need to clarify the characteristics of our platform when making short videos, and then plan our work content based on these. For example, if you are doing short video operations on Douyin, you need to consider the characteristics of Douyin and the characteristics of users, etc.


2. Choose the right tools If you want to do a good job in the operation of short videos, you need some tools. For example: editing software, shooting equipment, etc. For novices, you can choose a simple and easy-to-use editing software; if you are skilled enough, you can choose a professional video editing tool to operate.

**3. Determine the content direction If you want to do a good job in the operation of an account, you must first determine your own content direction, that is, determine the positioning of the account. Only in this way can you better attract fans to pay attention to your account account, and increase the stickiness of fans. In addition, we need to pay attention to: the problem of content direction. Just don't blindly make some unnutritious or meaningless videos.


4. Make a plan Before doing anything, we need to make a plan to arrange the daily work progress and task load, so as to ensure that our work efficiency is higher and more rational. Of course, we also have to formulate relevant schedules according to our own situation. For example, if you are just starting to get in touch with this field, you can make some simple videos first, and then gradually increase the difficulty and so on.

**5. Persistence Persistence is required to succeed in doing anything, especially for novices, persistence is very important. If you can persist, then success is at hand. If you want to succeed, you must persevere to the end. Only in this way can you finally move to the other side of victory.


That's all for today's sharing. Newbies from self-media can learn from it. I hope you can operate short videos as soon as possible!**********

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