How to do SEO optimization for a new website, these 5 steps make the website quickly indexed


For webmasters, after the new website goes online, how to make search engines quickly index the new website is a problem that everyone is more concerned about. We all know that SEO optimization is a step-by-step process, and each stage has corresponding optimization techniques. Let me share with you how to do SEO optimization for new websites, so that new websites can be quickly included.

1. It is important to understand the industry

What type of industry does the new website belong to? If you don’t know an industry, you can’t write good articles about the industry. Likewise, you don’t know what keywords users in this industry search for. When you have an understanding of this industry, you will know what keywords users usually search for, so as to expand more long-tail keywords through these keywords.

2. Submit the website URL to the search engine portal

After the new website is online, we can submit the link (URL) of the website to the search engine entrance, so that the spiders of the search engine can crawl the content of the new website. Of course, whether to include or not also depends on the quality of the content of the website.

3. Update original articles and improve the quality of website content

After the new website is launched, it is necessary to update the original content every day. Because non-original content will make search engines think that it is plagiarism, it will affect the experience of spider crawling, and it will not be able to quickly index the website. At the same time, shortly after the website goes online, it will enter the sandbox period of search engines. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the published articles do not arbitrarily modify and edit, check them before publishing, and do not change them after they are published. Avoid the extension of the sandbox period of the website due to modification, so that the new website cannot achieve the purpose of rapid inclusion.

At the same time, we can also use the website's indexing query tool to inquire about the indexing status of the website, do some analysis on the website, and adjust the writing direction of the article.

The quality of the external links and the relevance of the external links to the website are related to the construction of the external links of the new website. Every time new content is released, new external links will be released for search engine spiders to crawl, and fresh original content can be obtained every time, so that search engine spiders will like this website more and more.

5. Submit the crawl

We can submit URL links through third-party tools, which is conducive to the rapid inclusion of the website. The editor submits 20 days a day, and submits it on time, so that search engine spiders will form the habit of crawling on time.

The above are the methods and steps of how to optimize SEO for new sites. All in all, don’t rush into SEO optimization for new sites. Only by doing a good job of content in a step-by-step manner can the site be included quickly. At the same time, constantly mining keywords, expanding long-tail keywords, and introducing long-tail keywords when writing articles can also optimize these words. As a result, long-tail keywords can drive the main keywords. By not accumulating a keyword thesaurus, the new site will not only be included, but the website will also rank in the near future.

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