We-media beginners' introduction strategy, learn dry goods content and understand operation skills


How should a novice in the we-media run the we-media? When you search for this question on Baidu, there will be a lot of content or advertising information that attracts traffic. Once the traffic is attracted, there is a high probability that you will be recommended to buy courses. Ben had the intention of making money, but ended up paying the tuition first. Today, I will teach you the correct steps to get started with self-media beginners, learn the knowledge of dry goods, and refuse to be cut off!

1. The choice of platform

We-media novice can choose several mainstream we-media platforms with similar operation modes, and can also add account matrix for operation, and at the same time obtain 4 times the income from operation. For example: Baidu Baijia, Toutiao, Penguin, Big Fish, and these platforms have canceled the novice period now, which is very friendly to newbies. We-media novices can try it!

2. Be prepared for no early income

Newbies in the media have just started to operate, and it is very likely that they will be mentally prepared for no income in the first half of the year. Many online educators will say that it is easy to earn more than 10,000 yuan per month when you sign up for classes. The early stage of self-media novice is a stage of laying the foundation. It is normal to have no income. Put your mind at ease and create high-quality works with peace of mind. After the fans and traffic are stable, are you still worried about no income?

3. Maintain a stable update frequency

No matter what you do, you must persevere. The same is true of We Media. The most important thing is to maintain a stable output. In terms of content, you must constantly update it, and update it at a certain frequency. This will have little effect, and will also affect the platform's determination of the weight of your account.

4. Learn writing skills

The so-called practice makes perfect, I don't know how to write, but I can learn. To shine in a field, what is needed is accumulation and precipitation. The most important thing in the early stage is to get familiar with it. You can look at the creative experience of your peers, learn the writing skills of explosive articles, and help yourself improve better. How to find peer-reviewed articles? We-media novices can use Yizhuan's explosive library to aggregate popular content from multiple fields, and they can filter high-quality articles to learn by keywords to improve their learning efficiency. We-media novices should try it now!

The above is the introduction strategy for we-media beginners to introduce to you, learn dry goods content and understand operation skills, in order to quickly get started with We-media and avoid being cut leeks!

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