Learn how to operate self-media, these you need to know! Take you to realize rapid realization


There are many self-media platforms, but there are roughly three self-media channels, one is video, the other is graphics, and the third is audio.

At present, most self-media platforms include these three channels, but each self-media platform has its own main channel, such as short videos, you can choose platforms with relatively large traffic such as Douyin or Toutiao, such as Toutiao, Toutiao The account belongs to the same company as Douyin and Watermelon Video. Accounts can be related to each other. The platform has a large traffic, good support for newbies, and easy to use. It is very suitable for people who have no creative experience to publish articles or videos after registering on Toutiao. There is profit to be read.

1. Do the first step and think about positioning

First, you have to define your account positioning. You can look at various fields and clarify your own positioning. When others think of you, you can immediately reflect what you do and what your content is. This is the first step of self-media operation.

2. Explosive title

At the beginning, the rise of fans has a great relationship with the title of the work. If the fans are not familiar with you, the first thing they see is your title to see if it can arouse their interest, and then click on it, so write a good one The title is very important. You can also use the title creation assistant in the Easy Compose editor to generate popular titles by entering a few keywords, which has a certain reference value.

3. Content creation

The three abilities of writing articles, image processing, and editing videos are the basic skills of self-media. At least you need to know the same, of course, the more the better. Mainstream self-media generally has two forms of publishing content, namely graphic and video publishing.

4. Create your own IP

The advantage of creating a personal IP is that you can let your target users quickly know your professional field, make an impression on you, and guide them to follow you. The next step is to further enhance the stickiness of fans through your high-quality content and continuous output. .

IP creation path: monetization method - positioning and personality - perfecting account - selecting topics - polishing content - publishing - diverting traffic to private domains.

5. Specialized field

The top ten popular areas of We Media are: entertainment, film and television, emotion, life, funny, music, dance, inspiration, fashion, and food. When choosing a field, you need to be cautious. You can choose a field that you know and like to develop, deeply cultivate the characteristics of this field, and do dry goods and experience sharing in this field. It is easier to obtain more accurate fans in this field, and the fans are more sticky. We-media is a protracted battle that requires perseverance and determination. There is no best, only better. Don’t be too ambitious, the best things will never be achieved.

6. The road to realization

The ultimate purpose of being a self-media is definitely to make money, so we must clearly output this information to fans from the beginning, and tell fans clearly that we are here to make money, and it is not easy to arouse fans’ disgust in the later stage.

We-media influencers are generally divided into three categories: knowledge dry goods, traffic wholesale, and opinion leaders. The most profitable space is the knowledge dry goods type, which is to identify a field and export the knowledge dry goods type in this field. When we have 1,000 die-hard fans, it means we have the ability to monetize.

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