Introduction to We Media Novices: 3 Steps to Get Started and Create Popular Content


Presumably many newbies of We-Media are looking forward to the operation of We-Media, but they have no experience and do not know how to get started.

1. Clear positioning

Here I will not give you a broad introduction to how to choose topics in the field, but mainly teach you to choose self-media platforms and fields through skills.

Choose whatever you are good at. If you have writing skills, choose graphic editing to output content. If you have editing experience, you can take advantage of the popularity of short videos to get a wave of traffic. The current mainstream self-media platforms are similar, and the choice is almost the same, mainly depends on the quality of the output content.

After the field is determined, it can also be subdivided according to the field. For example, the field of parenting can be subdivided into newborns, infants, young children, children, etc. Although they belong to the same field, the content creation is still different. The subdivision field can not only gain accurate user groups, but also help newbies in the media to have more content creation directions

2. Use of tools

We-media novices must understand that "to do well, you must first sharpen your tools". Low creative efficiency is a common feature of self-media novices. Borrowing from self-media tools to create content can effectively improve the efficiency.

There are many kinds of common self-media tools, such as: material search, hot list, title writing, quality inspection, data analysis, etc., these can be used in the stage of self-media novice, do not know how to choose tools, recommend a self-media What novices are using: Easy Compose, a self-media content creation tool, all of the functions mentioned above, we-media novices try it now!

3. Find the benchmark account to learn

It is a bit difficult for newbies to we-media to explore operational skills without any experience in we-media operations. In addition to accumulated experience in operations, they can also learn to benchmark accounts. Find big Vs in the field through the positioning of the field, learn their content creation skills, IP creation, form their own creative style, output content that is of practical value to users, and gain a group of fans in the novice stage.

It is not so difficult for newbies to we-media to operate we-media. Novices can use the above 3-point operation strategies to quickly pass their own operation novice period!

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