How to create an explosive article for a newbie in the media? 3 angles of analysis, teach you hands-on


The happiest thing for a novice in the self-media operation is that the published manuscripts have been read over 10,000, 100,000 or even a million. However, for the novice, there is no operating experience, and the competition is relatively large. What if you create an explosive article? Today, I will analyze it from the three perspectives of finding the topic, writing the title, and the structure of the explosive article, and teach you how to write the explosive article!

1. Find a topic

The ability of a soft article to explode is closely related to the angle of topic selection. Explosive articles can completely grasp the psychology of users and know what can inspire them to discuss. For example, emotional articles cannot be separated from: third parties, mother-in-law, money, etc. , since you want the content to become popular, you need to identify the topics that users pay attention to.

You don't have to worry about choosing topics from the media. You can use YiZan to find high-quality topics. His topic database summarizes the hot topics that users are concerned about. You can also search for popular topics by field keywords, and you can start creating topics after confirming them.

2. Explosive text structure

The structure of the exploding articles is very tight, giving users a sense of progression layer by layer, allowing readers to gain a sense of gain after reading them. The structure of the article is actually varied, but the main content of the article is to win, so the structure only needs a simple parallel structure. The so-called parallel structure: that is, the order of several main arguments of the article can be exchanged with each other. This way of writing does not require too strong logic, it is simple to write, and the reader is not tired of watching.

3. Title writing

After the above two steps in the evening, creating an attractive title is the key to getting users to click. It will be difficult to improve the attractiveness of the title by yourself. However, you can use tools to write titles, and the easy-to-write title assistant tool can generate high-quality titles based on the entered keywords, which can be used directly or after modification.

Most self-media people are using the easy-to-write title assistant tool to write titles, the quality is not bad, it is recommended to use! We will share the writing tutorial of we-media explosion articles here. Newbies to we-media can write content through the above methods and move forward to the explosion of articles!

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