How to write original headlines? These tricks teach you to win


How to write the original explosion text of headline number? How can I apply for Toutiaohao original? Toutiaohao is also a very good self-media traffic pool, and its income is also very good. Today, I will introduce to you the creative elements of Toutiaohao’s original explosive articles to help you quickly realize the income:

01 Insist on originality

An important review factor is originality, which is very critical. If it is original, and the updates are regular and at a certain level, the continuous release of original content can generally be passed quickly. How to ensure the original quality of your articles? Here I recommend a self-media tool - YiZhen. The article quality analysis function of Yizhuan can detect the originality of the article, sensitive words, title quality, etc. With Yizhuan, if the originality of the article is more than 75%, there is basically no need to worry about the originality problem, which is quite reliable.

02 Content Quality

If you want to pass the original, the quality of the content is also essential. So what kind of content is more popular? In fact, it is very simple. Write more content of dry goods, or content that is easy to resonate with netizens, and then explain the easy-to-understand stories with easy-to-understand stories. This also helps to improve the quality of the content.

03 Vertical Field

Verticality! Toutiao attaches great importance to verticality, which may be a point that many novices do not pay much attention to, but verticality is indeed very important. What is the vertical field? It is a field you wrote, and all subsequent output content is in line with your field positioning. For example, you are writing in the field of history. If the follow-up content is in the field of history, the recommendation volume of this account must be high, but if you write about half of the content in the field of food, then it is equivalent to starting all over again.

04 Activity

Every platform likes active creators, and they are mostly active on the platform. Only in this way can they attract a steady stream of users to join the platform. Therefore, in response to this, we must maintain a regular and quantitative frequency of posting, comments and interactions, so that the platform can determine that we are a healthy account.

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