New Media Operation Guide|How much do you know about the attributes of each platform?


As a professional new media operator, the necessary function is to understand the properties of each platform. Only if you know enough about it can you fully grasp the operation of it. First of all, let's understand:

1. Today’s Toutiao: Today’s Toutiao’s self-media platform, also known as “Toutiaohao”, is a self-media platform launched by Today’s Toutiao, which can help various enterprises, individual entrepreneurs and institutions to expand their influence and increase exposure and activation of attention.

Features: comprehensive content, accurate push, strong interactivity, fast sharing function, cloud storage, support for PC / mobile client

Advantages: When readers flip through the article, they have recorded everyone's reading preferences, and every time the reader opens the client, based on big data technology and algorithms, the reader will be pushed to the content that may be of interest to the reader. Without subscribers, it is also possible to get 10W+ readings.

Disadvantage: Too few willing to pay for knowledge.

Note : The original content link provided must be real and effective; the content of the article is best written in the form of soft text.

2. Yidian Information: Yidian Information self-media platform, also known as "Dianyihao", is a content publishing platform launched by Yidian Information. Individual media, institutional media, government and government organizations, enterprises and other organizations can apply for registration of the platform .

Features: Interest engine, personalized recommendation and search technology, clear content classification, slow review time, and sentimental articles are easy to fire.

Advantages: improved user experience, more user groups, and can help self-media people find fans who match them more quickly.

Disadvantage: The overall traffic is less than that of Toutiao

3. Sohu: The Sohu platform is a full-scale platform for entering, publishing and distributing classified content. Users can apply for a public platform account for free, export their own industry content, and obtain a certain number of subscribers to enhance their own influence. force.

Features: Three-terminal full promotion, automatic recommendation on the headlines, relationship chain dissemination, automatic generation of personal mobile sites, encyclopedic content classification

Advantage: resource strength is relatively sufficient

4. Jianshu: Jianshu is a high-quality writing platform. It has two clients: PC and mobile. Its biggest feature is its editing function. There is no limit to the pictures generated by one-click, and you can send as many pictures as you want. How much, and the writing experience it brings to users is unmatched by many writing platforms. Users only need to consider the application of words and the expression of thoughts and feelings, focus on writing, and don’t have to worry about layout and layout.

Features: Instantly read daily featured articles, communicate with authors and users, forward and share wonderful content at any time, and express opinions on works.

5. Baijiahao: Baijiahao is a new media platform developed by Baidu for Internet content entrepreneurs. It has opened a "writer" channel. Baijiahao quotes "a hundred schools of thought contend", often in the form of "debate" Start some hot topic discussions to attract users' attention and participation. Through the business model of Baidu Alliance, Baidu Baijiahao enables benign interactive conversion between Internet content and corporate advertising, and seamlessly connects content creators, readers and their communicators.

6. Zhihu: Zhihu platform is a social Q&A community type platform, a real online Q&A community that can help users find answers and share knowledge. At present, it has two kinds of clients: PC and mobile phone, with hundreds of millions of monthly visits. The slogan of the Zhihu platform is: "Share your knowledge, experience and advice with the world.

Features: University, high income, high education level users, high search weight on Baidu, fan loyalty higher than other social channels, can effectively influence fan purchases, long text acceptance of users, willing to participate in interactive answer sharing and Tucao, more suitable for content marketing platforms.

7. NetEase Account: Formerly known as NetEase Subscription, it is a new self-media content distribution and brand promotion platform created by NetEase Media after completing the integration and upgrade of "two ends". It is a self-media development service solution platform based on Netease Media, which integrates efficient distribution, original protection, cash subsidies, and brand promotion.

Advantages: The platform is relatively mature, the growth mechanism is relatively complete, it tends to text content, the article review is fast, it is more beneficial to text lovers, the income threshold begins to decrease, and it is easier to open advertisements for sharing.

8. WeChat official account: WeChat official account is an application account applied by developers on the WeChat official platform. This account is interoperable with the QQ account. Through the official account, merchants can realize text, pictures, voice, etc. with specific groups on the WeChat platform. Video communication and interaction. Formed a mainstream online and offline WeChat interactive marketing method

Features: acquaintance network, niche communication, higher communication effectiveness. Information and services can be provided anytime, anywhere, information and services can be reached for a longer time, and the positioning of marketing and services is more accurate. Rich media content for easy sharing. WeChat public platform, one-to-many communication, high information reach rate, convenient interactivity, rapid real-time update of information push. Marketing costs are lower and sustainability is greater.

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