The 5 Most Mainstream Video Distribution Platforms


With the increasing popularity of short video platforms, more and more individuals and enterprises are gradually entering this field. However, various short video platforms have different attributes. Faced with different short video platforms, how to choose which platforms to enter? Today, I will analyze the 5 most mainstream video distribution platforms for you to help you analyze and understand:

01 Douyin

The first is Douyin. Douyin is a short video platform. It mainly focuses on small videos in vertical screens. Its users are mainly middle-class users in first- and second-tier cities, and there are more women. The keywords are young, fashion, and beauty. Douyin short video is currently a super APP in the short video field, and it has strong advantages in terms of user level and related back-end services.

02 Kuaishou

Kuaishou is also a short video platform. It mainly focuses on vertical screen small videos. Its users are mainly low-tier people, third- and fourth-tier cities, and groups who really love to share. It is characterized by the old iron culture. At present, Kuaishou can be said to be the second in the short video field. The user groups are mainly concentrated in third- and fourth-tier cities. Bloggers who love life sharing can try Kuaishou. Kuaishou still has relatively strong support for creators.

03 Watermelon Video

Watermelon is also a short video platform, but there is currently a tendency to tilt towards long videos. Its users are mainly first-tier cities and new first-tier cities, and people born in the 1980s and 1990s. The content channels are very rich, and the five major channels of film and television, games, music, food, and variety shows account for half of the video volume.

Watermelon video is more suitable for creators who do not want to show their faces, and can be used as a video clip number. It is suggested that friends who have developed ideas in this regard can take a look at Yixuan. Yizhuan's self-media library has a large number of popular video materials, and aggregates video content from multiple platforms. Whether you are looking for materials or templates for reference, you can use Yizhuan, and Yizhuan can also provide download services, which is very convenient.

04 Bilibili

Bilibili, referred to as Station B. Station B is a very vertical video website, mainly for the vertical crowd of two-dimensional culture. The main presentation methods are horizontal screen and short video. The user stickiness is very high, and the main user groups are the two-dimensional culture lovers born in the 1990s and 2000s. If you have talent or expertise in this area, you can try to develop Bilibili.

05 Microview

Weishi is a "baby" that Tencent gave up before and picked up again. Microvision mainly focuses on small videos in vertical screens, and its users are mainly white-collar workers. Microvision is relatively easy to use and can be developed as an auxiliary platform.

Above, some of the main short video distribution platforms are here, and the inventory is relatively comprehensive. You can choose according to your own characteristics.

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