How can a novice do self-media and how can I quickly make money?


Making money through self-media writing is something everyone wants to do, but for many newbies, they don’t know how to do it, let alone how to start.

This article will talk about how to get started quickly for newbies who are new to self-media!

Before you consider doing self-media, you must first understand yourself:

What are the we-media platforms that can be done at present and are suitable for beginners? What are the features and advantages of each platform? What are the social media platforms? What do these platforms have to do to get up?

At present, there are many mainstream self-media platforms, and it is easier to get twice the result with half the effort when you find a suitable platform for you.

If you are good at writing text, choose a graphic self-media platform

If you are good at making videos, choose a video self-media platform

For short videos, focus on Douyin and Kuaishou. For long videos, you can focus on Watermelon Video, Station B.

How did the video content come about? There are a few different ways to quickly produce a film. If you have experience in video creation, you can create your own shooting. If you know certain video clips, you can do video mixing and editing. It is also a good way to clip together the highlights of the current popular or some film and television dramas.

If you are a kol in a certain field, you can choose a question and answer platform

How should it be done?

The question and answer platform is recommended to be based on Zhihu. In addition to answering professional questions, the Zhihu platform can also publish articles and build your own circle of knowledge.

1. Increase the weight of the article

Zhihu's recommendation system is ranked according to weight. The higher the weight, the more recommended it to the user group, and when users actively search, articles can also be ranked higher.

2. Premium Content

High-quality content determines the weight of your article. The interaction and completion rate of the content within 30 minutes of posting the article determines the amount of recommendations in the first wave, which will be of great benefit to the subsequent increase in weight. Afterwards, I use Yizhuan to test my own articles and find out the existing problems in time, so as to create better content.

3. Lead interaction

In the process of publishing an article, words that guide interaction can be appropriately inserted in the text, such as guiding likes, guiding collections, and guiding comments.

4. Label vertical fields

If a field has been selected, the direction of publishing articles and content needs to be expanded within the field set by oneself. All high-frequency Q&A in the same field, as well as highly professional dry goods, need to be added to the article. your keywords.

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