How to get started in the early stage of self-media operation? Do these 4 points well, let you start easily


How to learn from the media operation in the early stage? Want to be a self-media but don't know how to start? Worried that you are doing useless work, so you dare not start? Many people who work in we-media across the industry have this problem. This is normal. After all, it is facing an unknown field. However, if we-media does well, or is lucky, it is catching up with the trend, and its income is also very high. Today, I will introduce to you how to start the self-media operation in the early stage:

01 Operational thinking

Not to say false and empty, first of all we must have an operational thinking. What is operational thinking? It's very simple, that is, you have to treat self-media creation as marketing. For example, if you are working on weight loss products, before writing a copy, you need to know what age group your users are, and what their needs are, as well as other public accounts. what are you writing. This is very important, and it is only effective when you write in a targeted manner.

02 Content Creation

When you know what these people's needs are, write what they want based on the needs. It is suggested here to learn the creative framework of other popular articles of the same type before writing. So how to systematically find such explosive articles? You can use professional self-media tools to assist in the search, such as Yizhuan.

Yizhuan is a self-media platform. Yizhuan's self-media library has a very rich source of explosive articles. Explosive articles are clearly classified according to the field. We can filter and view them according to keywords, release time, reading volume, etc., and can also download directly, which can be very systematic and intuitive to find explosive article resources. If you think a certain author's explosive articles are very informative, you can also directly follow the author and check the author's follow-up dynamics, isn't it very useful?

03 Channel placement

After the creation of the article is completed, we need to determine the channel for delivery. It is recommended that you do not only operate on one platform. You can choose a main operating platform and then create a communication matrix, which means that the main operating platform can be used as the first launch. It can be released to different platforms a few hours after the first launch is completed. Maximize spread.

04 Data Analysis

After the launch is complete, of course not everything will be fine. We must check the open rate, the number of readings, and the number of comments. If the data is not good, is it because these people are less active on the official account, or because your content does not meet their needs. To do review and analysis, in order to progress.

Above, as long as you do these 4 points well, it is very easy to start from the media ~ If you think my sharing is helpful to you, remember to pay attention and don't get lost!

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