How We Media Makes Money 15 Ways We Media People Make Money


Wow, one day's income from working as a self-media is equivalent to one year's salary. It was also from these two incidents that the self-media became popular. However, two years later, 99% of the self-media people are still struggling to explore the profit model.

As a self-media, charging such a high-level advertising fee has never appeared except for the two best products mentioned at the beginning of the article.

15 ways to make money from the media

But this does not mean that there is no way out for we-media. There are still many self-media that are very nourishing. Among the 15 ways to make money introduced in this article, Lu Songsong has also come into contact with a lot, such as platform advertising sharing and advertising revenue. , public relations, brand placement, speeches, membership, book publishing, offline activities. So this article introduces 15 ways for self-media people to make money for everyone to think about.

  1. We media platform

Now many large Internet companies have established self-media platforms, building nests to attract phoenixes, attracting self-media people to settle in, and giving self-media people a share of advertisements. For example, the famous Baidu Baijia has only been online for half a month, and some self-media people have earned income. Of course, this method is suitable for self-media people who are more able to write, and requires a certain level of writing skills.

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  1. Advertising revenue

Since there is the word “media” in the self-media, it naturally has the attribute of media. In the traditional media, how did TV stations, newspapers and magazines make money? I believe that the biggest part must be the advertising fee, and the self-media is no exception. A media person's first income may be advertising fees.

There are two types of advertisements: hard advertisements and soft articles. Hard advertisements are of the nature of naked advertisements, which are easy to arouse the disgust of concerned users; soft articles are much better, well-written soft articles, even if you don’t think it is an advertisement. Fees are charged for factors such as activity and attention. Hundreds or thousands.

  1. Public relations

Public relations promotion is mainly about press releases. At present, there are many self-media in the form of writing exclusive interviews, which are different from press releases. Therefore, exclusive interviews are much more high-end than press releases. For small companies that cannot find exclusive interviews with media, this type of self-media undoubtedly plays an important role. effect. In the process of dissemination, we-media may also have some promotion costs in addition to writing fees.

  1. Brand placement

Strictly speaking, brand placement is also a type of advertising, but it is more subtle and silent. I will give the simplest example to illustrate the difference between hard, soft and branded product/service placement.

For example, many of Transformers 3 are soft advertisements, which allow users to generate a lot of intuitive images. Such as Shuhua Milk is a soft example, and when the place is displayed directly, the location is directly indicated, which is also a rigid advertisement, and the car in it is equivalent to the implantation of the brand.

Note: The brand placement of well-known brands is generally only qualified to participate in the big coffee from the media, and most people from the media can only sigh and sigh.

  1. E-commerce

We-media is not necessarily a group of people who write articles, but also experts in a certain field, such as the experience of buying various things, because they have unique insights, people who are interested in this will pay attention to them. If you recommend a product or something, many people will pay for it.

The more money we make from the media, they are usually opinion leaders, who can influence many people. The most important thing is that these people will buy things directly, which is the value of their own media.

  1. Sell products

Selling your own brand products here is not advertising to help others sell products.

At present, there are also many self-media people who sell services, such as: WeChat official account: Harmony E-commerce is an online agency operation business. In the early stage, there are already brands with Harmony design, and then other related services. We found that one thing is, In the Internet age, as long as there are users, anything can be sold!

  1. Consulting services

Generally speaking, it is not easy for non-professionals to pay for this service, because you have done a good job in a certain field, and your peers also recognize it, and then ask you to consult some project issues. Be more reliable!

  1. Speech, training

Media people develop in many ways, and they can also start from writing well, and then start speaking slowly, and then do speeches and training slowly. Generally, they participate in a business speech and watch the industry influence program, which can be as little as a few thousand yuan and as much as tens of thousands of yuan. unequal hard work,

If the self-media is doing well, there will generally be learners, such as user fans or companies that need some internal training (the effect is generally better than those of the lecturers in the society), and the price is not cheap, 5,000 to tens of thousands at a time, one month can have Several times, the income is also good!

  1. Membership

In fact, it is a thankless thing to do a paid membership system. It is good for a large number of paying people. You can hire more people to maintain it. In the case of a small number of members, you can’t afford to hire someone. imagination.

For example: Luoji Thinking is a membership system. 20,000 members have collected a total of 9.6 million membership fees. Others use a membership system. Members can enjoy free participation in some forums or give away popular books and consulting services.

  1. News client

The cost of news clients such as Sina/Sohu/NetEase, among which Sohu can reach 500-1000. If the output of We-Media is 20 articles per month, it also has an income of 20,000 yuan. There are many times when the articles cannot only be published exclusively. Of course, if you focus on Writing ten articles and eight articles on one platform is also a huge income of tens of thousands of yuan. In addition, if the client has new advertisements and sharing plans, it may be possible to make some extra income.

  1. Publish a book

Some people with relatively strong writing ability feel that only the advertisements on the self-media platform are too small, and they can also publish books by themselves, but this requires considerably higher writing ability. At present, there is also a low-cost e-book model. Many Weibo and WeChat public accounts sell e-books.

  1. Being "supported" or changing jobs

This is the relationship between many companies and We Media at present. After We Media has formed a certain brand value, it will be injected or acquired by some large institutions. It is very common for We Media to do a good job and then be poached and changed jobs.

  1. Direct sales number

Now there are also direct resale of WeChat public accounts or Weibo accounts. Gu said that there are not a few people who exchanged a WeChat public account with 200,000 followers for an off-road vehicle worth 400,000 yuan.

  1. Offline activities

At present, there are many common activities in self-media: organize online users to participate in offline activities, for example, for food self-media, food sharing conferences; for travel self-media can organize travel gatherings, such offline activities can apply to businesses for sponsorship Fees or venue support, if you do not want businesses to join, you can also charge reasonable fees to those participating in the event in the form of AA.

  1. Others

In fact, there are still many ways. Of course, our self-media positioning suggestions: it is best to only recommend, not to sell; to help others succeed, you will make money yourself; write manuscripts by yourself, copyright requirements are various, future development direction Not big, so we want to create value for others more!

The above fifteen ways to make money from self-media are often not single, but often mixed. For example, recruiting members to attract a group of loyal users, and then providing them with online training or consulting services, such as: Some self-media seems to be a membership system on the surface, but in fact it is a model called pre-advertising fee. It charges everyone's membership fee first, and then asks the merchant to give benefits to the member, and does not charge the sponsorship fee from the merchant. , This method is very clever, earn money first, and then advertise in an open and honest way, and no one will object, because it is to give benefits to members. This is relatively high, you can learn it!

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