The secrets of personal self-media accounts to increase fans, these 3 routines are super effective


Cheats for We Media Fan Growth: Starting from hot topic selection, 4 routines are super effective! Which self-media person doesn't want to increase fans? Fans are traffic to self-media people, traffic is revenue, and operations that do not aim to increase fans are hooligans! So how does the self-media quickly gain followers? Today, I would like to introduce to you, the necessary skills for those self-media people to increase their fans:

01 Vertical operation

This technique is really a commonplace, but there are still many people who don’t know it, or don’t care enough about it. Whether it is articles, Q&A, or micro headlines, if you continue to create a field, it is best to continue to write a topic, which can improve the verticality of your account, and you can write more professionally yourself. Whether it is for the professionalism of the account or for the subsequent accumulation of fans, it is very effective.

02 Hot topics

Hot topic selection is also a very effective way to increase fans. For self-media, topic selection is very important. On the basis of the original topic selection, hot topic selection can bring higher traffic with the power of hot topics, so as to achieve fan growth. So, how should the hot spots be pursued? You can use professional hotspot networks, such as instant hot lists.

The instant hot list is an aggregated hotspot network. You can view the hotspot search rankings of the whole network in one stop. The content of various fields and different industries can be browsed in one place. Synchronized tracking, super convenient.

03 Use first person

Write in the first person, whether you are shooting videos, writing articles, writing Q&A, or writing micro headlines, all use your own first person to talk about yourself. First of all, the first person has a sense of real life and is easy for people to substitute. Secondly, the first person is also more conducive to our own writing, which is very practical.

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