7 ways to create popular titles from the media, short videos and articles are easy to use


It has been raining all the time recently, so I just finished reading the "Second Like" by "Queen of Copywriting" at home when I have nothing to do. It is full of dry goods, especially on the title of the copywriting. The book shares many practical methods. Everyone has summed up the key points~7 creative methods of explosive titles

1. Close-up

There must be a strong target group. The simple point is that people's first reaction when they see this title: I'm not talking about me!

a. The secret of dressing slim for slightly fat girls

b. How do girls of 150~160 become taller?

In fact, most girls are in the range of 150~160 in height, and a title with a clear number will be more attractive than a title without a clear number.

The above two titles are actually aimed at the group of girls who are slightly fat and want to look thin and the girls between 150-160, poke the key points and poke pain points.

2. Clear returns

This is the most common title in product promotion. It promises results directly, and invests as little as possible for high returns. Human nature is like this, haha.

10 minutes a day, 21 days to make your 0 basic ukulele debut!

3. Stay in suspense

People are curious, so stay suspenseful, revealing secrets, secrets these words...

For example this title:

The more mysterious it is, the more people want to know. Everyone must know, who is this boyfriend?

4. Objectively speaking

This is the most common in various comments, such as: Colleagues have to link when they see it

After using this, everyone said that my eyes are so good!

Every subjective person hopes to use objective methods to prove their subjective correctness. If you want him to make up his mind, move "everyone" out.

For example, many self-media articles will call a netizen in the title...

5. Titles with clear numbers

Humans have a natural sensitivity, and studies have shown that in the field of communication, the number 7 is particularly attractive to people, such as "7 Methods for Popular Titles" and "7 Habits of Highly Effective People"

Readers have a clear point in time at a glance, which is also very attractive.

6. Be a bosom friend (sense of exclusiveness, feeling close and petted)

Make people who read your title feel like they are chatting with you one-on-one, and they feel like being petted.

For example: Do you feel that your skin is not white enough, whisper: Eating like this for dinner will make it less likely to gain weight!

This kind of title is very suitable for short videos because it has a more visual sense.

7. Find someone to support

To put it simply, put more keywords in the title, such as well-known brands such as Xiaomi, Huawei, etc., such as Li Jiaqi's recommendation, which is more authoritative.

Although it is difficult to quickly improve the copywriting skills in a short period of time, through some title skills, we can also increase the reading volume to a certain extent.

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