How do we media newcomers choose a platform on the platform? Novices can refer to these platforms


I found a very strange phenomenon in the choice of platforms by some new self-media people around me: that is, all platforms are registered once, no matter what.

Although the matrix operation has a certain effect on the creation of personal IP, if you are more concerned about the income issue, we can not follow what they said, the user attributes of the major platforms are still different.

I have combined a number of conditions such as traffic and revenue unit price, and recommend a few platforms that I think are good. Novices can refer to it. Of course, if you think I am wrong, you can leave a message in the comment area to share your views and suggestions.

1. headline number

Toutiaohao is a content creation platform owned by ByteDance. It mainly registers and publishes content. If someone reads or plays it, there will be profits. And with your fans, the channels that can be monetized will also increase. We-media people who are eager to monetize must pay attention to the problem of monetization channels. Although we-media platforms such as Weibo have large traffic, the threshold for monetization is high.

If you usually write something, or like to express some of your own views and opinions, you can publish it in the form of micro-headlines.

2. Baijiahao

Baijiahao is one of the top streaming platforms of self-media, with many content areas and a complete rights system. Now there is no novice period, you can turn positive after registration, and Baijiahao is backed by Baidu, and the income is fast, that is, you are publishing on Baijia. The content of the account is easy to find directly on Baidu, and the unit price of the Baijia account is the highest. The advertising income of 10,000 readings ranges from 30 yuan to 80 yuan, and the income of video content is also very high.

3. Little Red Book

Recently, everyone has paid a lot of attention to Xiaohongshu, and it has even been highly rated by many people as a self-media platform with the least difficulty in monetization. Hahaha, there are indeed exaggerated elements, but there are indeed many ways to realize Xiaohongshu.

For example, pay attention to some officially released activities, and participate in advertising activities when the account has no fans to have more exposure opportunities. In addition, Xiaohongshu is actually a community with very high vertical content, that is, your account content must have a precise positioning.

In the initial stage of the Xiaohongshu account, the platform has traffic support , so we must seize the first wave of traffic and increase the number of fans on the account as much as possible.

4. Douyin

Douyin has the widest user group, from 3-year-old children to 80-year-old uncles. I believe everyone is familiar with Douyin without my introduction, but as long as Douyin is mainly based on short video content, it is not suitable for graphic self-media. It may not be the first choice for the author.

The second is the monetization problem of Douyin. Douyin has no traffic revenue. It can only be realized by participating in some platform activities, such as video programs, etc. In addition, you need to have a certain fan base and independently receive advertisements from merchants. Profit, of course, if done well, then the income is completely beyond the reach of these graphic and self-media platforms.

5. Video number

The popularity of the video account has been on and off for several years. At the beginning, there were indeed many functions that were not perfect, including the opening of the live broadcast channel, etc. Now they have all been perfected, and they are backed by the traffic mountain of WeChat, and the competition of the video account is that there is no Douyin account. Intense, there is still a lot of opportunity for many small accounts.

6. WeChat public account

Many people have come to ask me, can I still do an official account? Yes, and the commercial value of the fans of the official account is very high. If the official account has more than 500 fans, you can open a traffic master, and after the fans reach tens of thousands and the reading volume is stable , you can receive some advertisements. The ability of the official account to accumulate fans is unmatched by any self-media platform, and other private domain conversions can be done in the follow-up.

7. Sohu number

Sohu has a lot of traffic. If you want beautiful data, don’t miss it on Sohu. I have tested the same article, and the headline number only has a few thousand views, but there are more than 20 on Sohu. Wan's traffic, Sohu's traffic is large, and it is also a good self-media platform.

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