4 free practical tools for self-media operation, collect them quickly


As for the question of which tools are needed to do self-media, the scope is relatively broad, and it needs to be divided according to the same type. For example, the tools needed to do graphic self-media and video self-media are completely different. Next, I will introduce to you. Some different kinds of utilities:

01 Account Management

If it is to operate self-media accounts in batches, it takes a lot of time to switch accounts on different platforms every day, which is very troublesome. At this time, a tool that can manage multiple accounts across platforms and a tool for one-click posting is needed. It is recommended that everyone use Ant Xiaoer.

02 Hotspot Tools

It is necessary to learn to follow hotspots in self-media. Generally, it is recommended to use special hotspot tools to follow hotspots. Here we recommend the instant hotspot list. The instant hotspot is a very used aggregation hotspot network, which can be viewed all over the network at one time. Real-time hot search rankings, 24-hour uninterrupted update of hot spots, is a hot tool used by many self-media people.

03 Typesetting tools

There are a lot of typesetting tools on the market, as long as you use them easily, such as Yizhuan Editor, 135, Xiumi, etc. I use Xiumi more myself. Xiumi has many styles, and the layout is relatively simple and easy to use.

04 Video Tools

Now short videos are also very popular, so video tools are also necessary for us, mainly in two categories, editing and special effects, well-known PR and AE, needless to say. If you don't have high requirements, you can recommend quick editing, which supports editing, background sound, basic effects, transition effects, subtitles, watermarks, and more. Of course, this also depends on personal habits and preferences. Edius and VideoStudio are also good.

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