How to get started with self-media for beginners


Nowadays, the Internet is more and more highlighting the value of personal IP. Many capable people will pass on their value to others through self-media. However, for some newbies who do not have any experience in self-media, they may be at a loss for operation. This article from the Marketing Planning Network will share with you how to get started with the novice self-media? Must-know basics of self-media entry!

Step 1: Clear positioning

  1. Before operating We-Media, we need to think about what to do and what is the purpose of existence?

  2. Who are the target users and what value can be provided to the users, that is, the positioning of the account.

  3. Because only a clear positioning can attract accurate fans, and it is necessary to send related works to maintain the verticality of the content.

Step 2: Choose the right platform

Now there are many self-media platforms, as many as dozens, such as Baijia, Qiyu, Top Pick, Official Account, Brief Description, Zhihu, Douban, etc. We should choose one or two platforms as the main battlefield for writing according to our content field and writing purpose, and other platforms should be discarded or used as auxiliary writing battlefields. Human energy is limited. You can score 100 points on a platform, which is far better than 20 points on each platform. If you can exert value and influence on one platform, this is laying the foundation on other platforms. Concentrate on doing a good job of a platform, and do the rest as an auxiliary.

Step 3: Understand platform content taboos

We-media authors and platforms have a mutually beneficial and symbiotic relationship, so they must not violate the rules of the platform. Newcomers must first read the content prohibited by the platform to avoid violations. In order to attract attention, many newcomers publish some vulgar and tempting beautiful pictures, or directly publish content with obvious advertising promotion, resulting in deduction of points for violations, which is not worth the loss.

No. 4: Premium Content

We must ensure the quality and value of the work, and write more practical articles about practical knowledge and experience introduction. Because of its strong practicability, everyone thinks that "maybe you can use it someday, so let's collect it first", and the number of such collections will increase, and your recommendation will increase. In addition, this type of article is also easy to be searched. Even if this article sinks, it will be searched by later people to add fans, follow, forward, and favorite. The more the content accumulates, the more fans will come to pay attention even if it is not updated in the future.

Step 5: Learn to promote

After finishing the content, you must choose an appropriate way to promote it. The power of the platform alone is not enough. After all, the platform gives everyone the same opportunities, so if the competitiveness is high but the recommendation mechanism is few, it will not have much effect. Yes, so take action yourself!

Operation and promotion can be considered from two aspects, free promotion and paid promotion. Free promotion is based on the improvement of its own content quality, sharing, and fan reposting. Free promotion may not see the effect in a short period of time, but the effect of long-term accumulation is still relatively obvious. See if you can hold on. The effect of payment is the most obvious, and you can see good results in a short period of time. However, it should be noted that payment can increase popularity, but the corresponding cost is also high. In the early operation and promotion, you should pay attention to whether the income after payment is proportional. In other words, there is additional income. If there is financial difficulty or there is no corresponding income or it is not recommended to pay for promotion, it is decided according to your own operation situation!

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