Accept this self-media monetization cheats to quickly increase your income


When many people choose to operate from the media, they have been wondering a question: Is it possible to obtain income only through advertising sharing? Xiaoyi tells you exactly: Of course not!

In the operation of self-media, advertising sharing is the most basic way to obtain income. In addition, there are many ways to help us obtain income. Below is a list of 5 ways in which we can obtain benefits in our operations, hoping to help you get better benefits!

1. Reading benefits

The content we output is recommended to users through the platform, and users will be divided into advertisements after clicking and reading. The higher the advertising display, the more revenue the platform will give us, so it is recommended that you increase the topicality of the content when creating content, which is more conducive to dissemination.

2. Knowledge payment

2019 is the era of knowledge payment, and dry goods content attracts more attention from users. Users are also willing to pay for the content they need. In order to obtain better profits, we media people have certain professional knowledge and provide users with valuable information. This is the way to sustainable development and increase profits.

3. Advertising revenue

In the operation of self-media, we often see that some big heads will add advertisements in the operation. This is the advertising cooperation between advertisers and self-media people, and the price is mainly determined by the amount of playback. Many advertisers are also interested in the traffic of the self-media industry and the influence of self-media people, so they choose to cooperate with self-media people to increase the exposure of their products.

Of course, this also requires everyone to effectively increase the amount of data in the operation and increase the viscosity with fans in order to attract advertisers to find you for cooperation!

4. Content e-commerce

Inserting goods into self-media content for delivery operations can also increase our revenue, which is what we often call content e-commerce. At present, many self-media platforms already have such permissions. You only need to enable this function to insert products, and users can get corresponding commissions for purchases.

When we sell products, we need to pay attention to the fact that the content we create needs to be related to the product. Forcibly implanting advertisements will not give users a good reading experience, and the purchase volume will also decrease.

5. Drainage marketing

We all know that the traffic in the self-media industry is very considerable. If you can divert traffic to your own store or your own personal account, it will be good to sell goods.

We-media operation, as a channel for attracting traffic, attracts offline stores to realize monetization.

As long as you operate the above 5 ways of self-media income, it is no problem to achieve a monthly income of over 10,000!

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