4 major writing skills from the media: 0 basic novice, can easily get started


As a self-media person, you must learn to write self-media articles, because this is an essential skill for getting started with self-media content creation. For many newbies who have never written self-media articles, this is really difficult. Today, I will share with you some of my own experience and skills from writing for 5 years. Even beginners with zero basics can get started quickly. I hope it can help you. help:

01 Determine the writing direction

First of all, before we start writing content, we must think about your writing direction. For example, if you are a traditional food maker, your writing direction is nothing more than the inheritance of food, the folk stories of food, the culture behind the food, etc. The creation is all around the direction of writing.

02 Optimize article titles

Writing a self-media article should start with writing a title. A good title will increase the number of clicks and readings of your article. Now many titles like to use numbers to express, especially self-media articles. Here we recommend a self-media artifact - Yizhuan, Yizhuan's hot article title assistant, you only need to enter relevant keywords, you can generate multiple hot article titles at one time to choose from.

03 Content segmentation is clear

In addition, our main body content must be clearly classified. If you write several ways to share at the beginning, then your content should be divided into several paragraphs. This is almost the same as when we wrote essays when we were young. This is also a structure that is most conducive to readers' reading.

04 Highlights at the end of the article

When we write a self-media article, don't forget to make a summary, write an article with a beginning and a tail, so that others can see the beginning and the end.

In general, self-media creation is really not difficult. Follow the experience of predecessors to get started, add your own ideas and innovations in the process of operation, and introduce new ones. There will always be a successful day.

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