How to write a current affairs hot topic soft paper? You must know these 3 routines


How to write a current affairs hot topic soft paper? Are there any common tricks? After working on We Media for a long time, I understand that no matter what topic you choose, it is definitely not wrong to chase hot topics, but many newbies are still in a very confused state when facing hot topics. They don’t know how to choose. Let me introduce to you how to write a new press release about current affairs hotspots:

01 Title combined with hot keywords

The first is the title of our article. We must include more keywords of current affairs hotspots, because current affairs hotspots are available every day. Combined with the latest current affairs hotspots, it comes with its own traffic. This also conforms to the recommendation rules of many platforms. When a certain kind of information is used by many people When reading and searching, your copy title and related keywords are most likely to be recommended and naturally clicked to read.

02 In-depth analysis of the text and hotspots

A good current affairs hotspot copywriting should know how to combine products with current affairs hotspots skillfully. The best effect is to moisten things silently, so that readers do not think that this is an advertisement, which is very beneficial to our publicity. The reason why the soft paper is called soft paper is because its advertisements are very concealed or even if they are obvious, they are very cleverly integrated without being rigid.

03 Fast posting speed

In addition, when a hot spot appears, our output/release speed must be fast, which requires us to have a hot spot thinking. Here we recommend a hot artifact - an instant hot list, which can be viewed all at once. Internet hotspot hot search rankings, real-time hotspots in various fields can be viewed in one stop, and 24-hour uninterrupted, computer and mobile phones can follow hotspots synchronously, helping us to find hotspots for creation in the budding stage of hotspots, and improve our output speed. quite effective.

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