How to do self-media for newbies, these 5 different types of platforms must be understood


In the past few years, the new media industry has developed rapidly, so many friends around me have begun to move around, wanting to switch to new media, and want to achieve the goal of monetization through the creation of new media platforms. The first step in entering new media is to understand new media. Platform, what is a new media platform? What are the characteristics of each platform?

Since 2012, the new media platform has been updated from generation to generation with the rapid development of the Internet, and the new media platform has changed from the initial public account to the later Weibo headlines, and then to today's Douyin Kuaishou. At this stage, everyone The new media platforms often referred to mainly refer to WeChat, Weibo, Toutiao, Baijia, etc. These platforms can be classified into semi-closed platforms, video platforms, short message platforms, open recommendation platforms and question-and-answer platforms. these 5 categories.

Semi-closed self-media platform

The WeChat official account is the main representative of the semi-closed self-media platform. Because of its semi-closed characteristics, it is difficult to attract traffic, so it has high requirements for content quality. For example, the content produced by the official account is mainly for fans, so the number of articles read Largely affected by the number of followers, the scope of dissemination has certain limitations, coupled with the impact of short videos, it is becoming more and more difficult to operate a semi-closed platform.

Video-based self-media platform

Video types can be divided into long videos and short videos. The long video platforms mainly include Youku, Tudou, Tencent, iQiyi, etc. The short video platforms mainly include Douyin, Kuaishou, Volcano, Weishi, etc. In terms of people, more people will choose short videos. First, they are in their heyday. Compared with semi-closed platforms such as official accounts, short video-based new media platforms have a faster realization time, and major platforms have relevant policy support. , it would be a good choice for new media people to start with short videos.

Open self-media recommendation platform

Now mainstream open self-media platforms include Toutiao, Baijia, Yidian, Penguin, etc. Compared with semi-closed self-media platforms, such open platforms are more suitable for novices, because the traffic pool of open platforms is more Big, there will be a corresponding recommendation and reward system for high-quality article platforms, such as Baijiahao and Toutiao, the platform will insert advertisements into the articles you publish, and the higher the article reading, the higher the advertising revenue. Xiaobian Many people around them rely on these open self-media platforms to achieve monthly income of over 10,000.

SMS new media platform

The so-called short message new media platform mainly refers to the short output content, which is relatively more suitable for fast reading. The new media platforms for short message mainly include Sina Weibo, Toutiao’s Wetoutiao, Moments, etc. If you want to operate such platforms well, your content must be innovative and creative, and you can quickly grab the attention of users in a short period of time. , so as to achieve its purpose of dissemination.

Q&A New Media Platform

Today’s mainstream Q&A platforms include Zhihu, Baidu Q&A, Wukong Q&A, 360 Q&A, etc. These new media platforms are very suitable for brand promotion and product drainage. In addition to content creators and consumers, we have more Q&A platforms. Compared with the consumers of the content, a good question can generate high-quality content, and the questioner will also get corresponding attention. At the same time, these platforms have the function of paying for knowledge, that is Profits can be obtained through professional answers, and now knowledge payment is unprecedentedly hot, especially for legal, emotional, educational and other types of paid consultation.

There are many categories and platforms of we-media. For beginners of we-media, the choice of platform is very important. You can choose according to your actual situation. After choosing a platform, insist on high-quality content output.

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