The novice tested for half a year, and finally made money on these 4 self-media platforms


At first, like everyone else, I saw the overwhelming we-media articles on the Internet. It happened that I was about to graduate from the senior year, and the job had not yet been determined. With the dream of getting rich, I started my self-media journey.

My first choice of platform is Toutiao. The reason is very simple, because I see a lot of popular articles written very simply, and my dad brushes Toutiao every day and gave me some advice, so I chose Toutiao without hesitation. No.

Then I encountered a problem, what to write? Anyway, I can write about everything, including travel, emotions, career, and everything. At the beginning, my reading volume was good, but it didn’t take long for me to read it. Avoid "no positioning".

So from the second half of the year, I have identified the education field, but some of the education policy issues often affect me. The writing is simple and no one reads, the writing is in-depth and the content is sensitive. I feel that I have encountered a bottleneck. At that time, there was no rush to write articles. Instead, I switched strategies, applied for more platforms, and then sent my previous articles to other platforms.

Income comparison

Many people do self-media to make money, so let’s start with what everyone is most interested in. Among these platforms, Toutiao, Penguin, Baijia and Netease are the ones who make money. In half a year, Toutiao’s income around 6000.

Up to now, Toutiao has been my main focus platform. The number of users is enlarged, and it is easy to make profits. Compared with Baijiahao and Penguin, it is more difficult, and it can only be done after obtaining the corresponding qualifications.

Of course, due to time reasons, some platforms earn only tens of yuan, so the opportunity can be ignored.

Feature comparison

These platforms are very mature. Except for the WeChat official account, novices can operate other self-media platforms. Last year, they were mainly text-based, so the article can basically be done with a few illustrations.

But regarding image uploading, Toutiao account is well done and has no restrictions. The other one is Sohu's watermark, which is very user-friendly. The watermark can be set in the four corners of the image, which effectively prevents plagiarism from being automatically deleted by the software. The case of the watermark at the bottom of the picture.

Article self-examination effect

Although there are basically self-checking systems on the platform now, they are not very accurate, especially sensitive words. As I said above, I have always been troubled by sensitive words, so now I will use the quality inspection of Yizhuan Detection before publishing articles. Now, it is much safer. Sensitive words, forbidden words, originality rate of articles, etc., can all be unchecked.

Compared to Yizhuan, the detection tools that come with these platforms are simply terrible.

Article original protection

The plagiarism situation in the media is really serious now, especially when your articles are well read, many people will come to cross-platform plagiarism. For example, the articles you post on Toutiao can easily be copied by others to Baijia. , One o'clock number went up.

I have a deep understanding of this. At first, I only made headlines, and then many articles were copied by others to other self-media platforms. As a result, when I published articles myself, it always displayed "The repetition rate with the existing content on the platform is too high." ", I can only complain one by one to defend my rights, it's really tiring.

Regarding the original protection of articles, the Penguin account is the best. The creators can find out the plagiarism of their works in time, but the Baijia account and Youtoutiao need to obtain the original logo before you can enjoy it. In addition, the WeChat public account is plagiarized. The phenomenon is the most, but the protection of original content is also mature. Once plagiarism is found, it will be punished lightly, or even banned.

Of course, in addition to the originality detection that comes with the platform, I also share with you the originality detection tools of Yizhuan. As long as you put the article in, you can directly detect the originality rate of the article. If it is your own pure original article, you can directly find it in In the test results, you see an article with a high degree of repetition of your content. At this time, you can directly find the person who plagiarized you.

Doing so can not only easily find out the plagiarists of the article, but also avoid the risk of deducting points for posting to a certain extent, killing two birds with one stone.

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