Which is the best media software? Inventory of those easy-to-use self-media software


With the development of the mobile Internet, the self-media industry has also developed rapidly. This brings about the derivative industries related to the Internet, such as self-media auxiliary software, which is what the majority of netizens call self-media tools. So which tools are easier to use with so many self-media software tools? The following editor will give you an inventory of some self-media tools that are used more frequently and are easier to use in daily life. Friends in need can collect them.

1. Find material tool

80% of the time in self-media operations is spent on finding materials or on the way to find materials. Usually, everyone finds materials basically through Baidu Search Billboard or Baidu Index or on Zhihu. I recommend it to everyone today. A material collection platform - easy to write. It contains hot text materials, text materials from major self-media platforms, video materials, etc.

2. Title Tool

A good title directly affects the click-through rate of the work, but we can't think of some popular titles at any time. At this time, we need a title aid that can help us to do inspiration. Here we recommend Yizhuan's title assistant. , just enter the corresponding keywords, it will automatically give you the most popular titles for reference inspiration.

3. Transcoding tools

The last is video transcoding, because the edited video files are generally very large and the video formats are not uniform, and the media platform has regulations on the video size and format. At this time, a transcoding tool is needed to help us complete it. For the video requirements of each platform, here we recommend the tool Format Factory.

4. Typesetting tools

Typesetting tools are mainly used by friends who operate WeChat public accounts. There are many WeChat editors on the market, such as 135, Xiumi, etc. You can choose to use them easily.

5. Drawing tools

Pictures are the core elements of making friends in the media. A good cover picture can increase the chances of users clicking in. Inserting good-looking pictures into the content can also give users a better browsing experience. Here we recommend several picture websites, such as Baotuwang, Qiankuwang, etc.

6. Video Editing Tools

Friends who do video self-media must use some video editing tools, so as to make the video works more professional, here we recommend VideoStudio, PR, etc.

7. Voiceover Tools

Similarly, in addition to editing, videos also need dubbing, so as to make the video work more lively and interesting. Here are the recommended dubbing tools: Voice Generator, iFLYTEK Voice, etc.

8. Add subtitle tool

The video work has been edited and dubbed, and it also needs to be accompanied by synchronized subtitles, so that users can have a better viewing experience. Here I recommend the arctime dubbing tool.

The above are the 8 types of self-media software that Xiaobian has listed for you. As for which tool is the best to use, you still need to use it to experience it yourself. Reasonable operation tools can effectively improve work efficiency, and I hope it can help everyone.

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