What platforms are there from the media? Today, I will tell you five good platforms to do, and it is recommended to collect


We-media people have their favorite platforms, some are in Toutiao, some are in Douyin, and there are many people who choose public accounts. In fact, the platform is just a show, the focus is on the talent and experience of the media people, no matter how good a platform is without high-quality content, it is difficult to do it, but the lack of a good platform is also a big loss. Here are some pros and cons of some platforms.

1. Youku (video self-media)

Youku has the largest traffic, and the review of uploaded content is not so strict. Generally, people without advertisements can pass. Youku is a paradise for video self-media. If you like video, it is good to be Youku. Many funny videos of animation and comics are uploaded to Youku's playback volume is still good. If the playback volume is large enough to exceed 100,000, and it is self-made, you can apply for advertisement sharing. This is also a lot of funny content on Youku.

Runaway Comics, Luo Ji Siwei, Hongguan, and Tang Tang Talk Show are not only advertising revenue, but also copyright fees. Youku has the advantages of large traffic, good search engine, and good promotion and marketing products. The disadvantage is that it is difficult to make videos, and the use of video tools also requires skills.

2. Weibo (duanzi hand, broke the news from the media)

I used to play rice on Weibo, and I still recommend it because Weibo is still very active. Recently, the discussion of Wang Xinling, the sister of Riding the Wind and Waves, is very popular. They are all discussed on Weibo. There are also videos of Wang Xinling on Mango TV, which are on many Weibo. The jokes of 's hand-to-hand adverts are also very good, and the spread of Weibo is faster and wider. Did you know that "if you are safe, it will be sunny" that year? Many news sources are now based on Weibo. of.

If you're a joker or a manga artist, you'll be the next big hit. The advantage is that it spreads quickly, but the disadvantage is that the buddies and the rice are fans of each other.

3. Official Account (We Media)

Now self-media people are also doing WeChat public accounts. Watching the TV show host reminds you to scan and follow the official account. Guangzhou, the city where rice is located, can use the official account to book tickets and buy tickets. The copyright information is also a public account. Local public accounts have sprung up like bamboo shoots, and everyone has started to make public accounts.

These examples show that the WeChat public account has a very large influence, so people who are self-media will naturally not let go of this fat. Advantages: Low application threshold, easy to read, easy to spread, and many users. Disadvantages: It is troublesome to change the name, difficult to promote, and background editing requires some skills.

Fourth, QQ space (sharing, life from the media)

Qzone is because I have been using Qzone all the time, and I have never left it, nor can I leave it. Qzone has good interactivity, complete functions, and it is convenient for reprinting and dissemination to comment and like. Almost everyone uses QQ, and QQ users have also developed the habit of watching the dynamics of QQ space, and also like to share various things in life.

The most attractive thing for self-media people is QQ's one-way friends. The traffic of the space is inseparable from a large number of one-way friends, so the space is inseparable from the topic of adding friends, whether it is adding or being added by yourself, are important. The disadvantage of QQ space is that it is easy to be banned and log audits fail.

5. Blog (various)

This refers to independent blogs, not major portal blogs. Those portal blogs are not interesting. I believe that few people are reading portal blogs, and even fewer people log in. Independent blog + QQ space + official account + Weibo is a perfect combination. By the way, you can also promote your own blog. The content of the blog is shared on various platforms. It's also difficult, just not as difficult as blogging.

Blogs also have their own advantages, that is, they are search engine friendly. I believe that blogging with your name is generally ranked first on the first page, but the disadvantage is that who knows your name. Just listen to what Song Ge has to say. Song Ge said that he emphasized his name many times in chatting with others, and he became famous after saying it ten times, a hundred times, and a thousand times. The advantage of blogging is that it has a lot of autonomy, but the disadvantage is that it is difficult to promote traffic in the early stage.

Summary: Each platform has its own characteristics. There is no good or bad. The platform that suits you is the best. Don't ignore one point, the platform is Maxima, but people are not necessarily Bole. An influential self-media is inseparable from these factors (persistence, good creative ability, and a platform with a large user base). In terms of creation, we still have to be original, especially in graphics and texts. It is recommended that you do a good job of testing the originality of the article on Yizhuan before publishing the article, so that it is convenient to pass the originality quickly and get more recommendations.

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