How to do the public account from the media, learn these tricks, rubbing hot spots super fast


How do public account articles become popular? Is there any way to quickly get hot spots on the official account? I often hear many people say that they don’t know how to write articles on the official account, and how to use hot spots to promote brands or products. Today, I will introduce to you how the public account article is hot:

01 Sudden hot spots

As the name suggests, sudden hotspots are hotspots that occur suddenly. Such hotspots test the editor's reaction speed and creation speed. Here we recommend a professional hotspot network - Instant Hot List. This website can view the hot search rankings of the whole network at one time, and you can also subscribe to related columns. You can be the first to pay attention to the latest hot news.

02 The title of the article should be novel

The title of the press release should be novel, and the creative title can attract users to read, so as to gain readers' recognition of your brand. However, it should be noted that you should not be a headline party, and you should not make your title inconsistent with the content of the article, otherwise it will affect your brand trust.

03 Hotspot and product/brand combination

Another thing to note is that hot spots and product brands must be combined. If they can't be combined, don't force a relationship, and don't write soft articles for the sake of hot spots. Such articles have little value and are not very helpful for product promotion. ;

04 Matrix Operation

Finally, it is necessary to operate in a matrix and develop on multiple platforms. When publishing some hot soft articles, they often need to be published on different media websites at the same time, such as Sina, Baidu, Sohu, Tencent, NetEase and other major portals. Because in this way, it covers a wider population and is more effective for brand/product promotion.

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