7 operating learning websites that self-media people must see every day, remember to collect them


Since you choose to be self-media, fans and traffic are topics that cannot be avoided. How to increase fans and increase the number of readings? On the one hand, we need to constantly explore in practice, and on the other hand, we need to constantly learn operational knowledge. Today, we recommend 7 operational learning websites that we-media people must see every day.

  1. Easy to write

It provides writing inspiration, creative materials, and efficient tools for self-media content creators. It has become a tool platform for content creators with the most complete Internet data and the most users in China. Yizhuan provides functions such as article detection, explosive article analysis, data monitoring, video library, and hotspot tracking.

2. Plum Blossom Network

Meihua.com's presentation of works is also more structured and managed. The works include 26 categories and 12 methods. You can accurately carry out the work according to well-known brand keywords, writing design styles, originator regions, and marketing methods. Find.

3. Love operation

Focus on website product operation management, Taobao operation. Use data analysis to improve operators' growth hacking ability! Here, collect all operational data that can be collected, and this is also a community for learning operators.

4. Social global advertising copywriting and marketing case sharing platform

The SocialMarketing website covers forward-looking content such as advertising creativity, marketing, brand insights, marketing cases, aesthetic design, social interaction, media buying and industry information.

5. Operating the school

0 Basic learning operation, just go to the Internet operation school! Internet operation, new media operation knowledge learning website, providing website operation, APP operation, content operation, user operation, event operation, brand operation, advertising copywriting and other operation learning materials.

6. Brother Bird's Notes

Focusing on app operation and promotion knowledge sharing in the mobile Internet industry, it was originally a personal blog for his experience sharing. To put it simply, "Brother Bird's Notes" mainly wants to provide guidance on operation and promotion for startups in the mobile Internet field. The online products of "Niaoge Notes" are mainly divided into two major sections: one is PGC-based dry goods articles; the other is exchange forums.

7. Advertising door

Focus on serving Chinese and even global brand communication, advertising and creative industries; provide timely industry information release, exchange of views of core groups; provide and develop high-quality service content and products.

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