Short video self-media operation, teach you the skills of gaining 10W+ followers overnight


How to operate short video? How to use hot search to quickly increase fans? I often see a lot of new short video novices, but I don’t know how to increase fans for short videos and how to follow hot searches. Today, I will introduce some of my own operating experience to you, hoping to help you:

01 Shooting clips

The first is shooting. In the early stage, I don’t say how good the shooting is, but the lens must be stable, the picture must be clear and clean, and the subject should be prominent. Regarding the editing in the later stage, you need a solid foundation, be careful about software applications, and more importantly, you need soundtracks. Therefore, it must have a considerable artistic aesthetic.

02 Taking advantage of the hot spot

Learn to take advantage of social hotspots, such as what movies have become popular recently, and what people have paid the most attention to recently. We can all take advantage of the situation and shoot things related to these social hotspots to gain a wave of popularity. So how do you find these hot spots? You can use the professional hot spot tool - instant hot list. The instant hot list aggregates the hot search rankings of hundreds of websites, and you can follow different types of hot spots in various fields in one stop. In addition to the Kuaishou platform, there are many others that we can filter and use.

03 Increase account activity

To make god comments through our jokes, in simple terms, is to comment on jokes or create god comments under other people's works, and conduct an operation to drain traffic. This operation is also super fast to increase fans, especially the comments on works of the same type as yourself, the fans who are attracted are still accurate fans, which is very effective.

Above, these methods are very effective to increase fans, especially the trick of taking advantage of the hot spot, you can try it.

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