The most popular areas of the media, quick to get started and easy to realize


The more popular things are, the easier it is to make money, but not everyone can make money. Some people make hundreds of thousands of dollars a day, and some people work so hard all day that they can't even earn money for a meal. Why is there such a big difference? In the final analysis, it is still related to traffic. It is naturally much easier to make money in areas with large traffic. Today we will introduce some of the more popular areas:

1. Sannong

Why put Sannong in the first place? Because more and more farmers have smartphones in recent years, and there are currently more than 900 million farmers in China, which is a huge user group, many content related to agriculture, rural areas and farmers are popular on major platforms, such as today's On Toutiao and Kuaishou platforms, many users come from rural areas.

2. Funny

No matter the time or platform, the funny world will never go out of style. A picture or a video can make everyone laugh, and ordinary life must be a little laughter to be perfect. Therefore, the content in the funny field is easier to be forwarded, because everyone wants to be a joy communicator.

3. Entertainment

The entertainment field has been a very hot field since the birth of the media until today, and its main feature is the large amount of traffic. From ancient times to the present, everyone has a bit of a gossip mentality to some extent. Topics such as which star has a baby, which star is divorced, etc. are often very popular, and there are hundreds of millions of users who follow them. Read accordingly. The number is extremely high.

4. Sports

There are many subdivisions of sports, such as: football, table tennis, badminton, basketball, tennis, diving, weightlifting, etc. There are many kinds of light balls, and each subdivision has many stars and super geniuses, and the attention is natural. not low. However, it should be noted that more than 85% of users in the sports field are male, and the later realization should be considered when choosing.

5. Emotions

The reason why people are different from animals is that people have rich emotions, and love has always been popular in the emotional field, especially by young women. For example, the emotional content on Douyin is generally broadcast over one million. In addition, there are many 100,000+ articles on the WeChat public account that are mostly related to emotions. For example, the screen-sweeping article "Thank you for loving me" belongs to the emotional field. These contents can easily resonate with users, resulting in likes, reposts, and collections.

6. Food

People take food as their heaven, and people will never forget to eat at any time. Especially in today's improving quality of life, people not only pay attention to how and what to eat, but also pay more attention to food safety. From the popularity of "A Bite of China", you can see how interested people are in eating. Li Ziqi and Ono in the office are both in the field of food.

7. Fashion

The users in the fashion field are mainly girls, and it is very easy to realize later in this field. For example, fashion creators on major platforms now sell clothes or cooperate with e-commerce companies after accumulating a certain number of fans. For these behaviors, users are not only disgusted, but also support, because while learning dressing skills, they can also buy cheap and beautiful clothes.

The above fields are the areas that are more popular at the moment. The popular styles in various fields are included on Yizhuan. Whether it is pictures, texts or videos, you can easily find them. You can carefully refer to their creation methods to help you create the next explosion. works.

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