Choose pictures or videos from the media? Which is more suitable for newcomers?


Should We Media Choose Graphics or Video? Which type is more suitable for newcomers? In fact, self-media mainly appears in the form of pictures, texts and videos. There is no conflict between pictures and videos. In terms of income, if you do it well, it is actually the same. It mainly depends on which field you are precise in. Today, I will introduce to you how newcomers choose the type of self-media:

01 Graphics

Graphics and texts are more operable but attractive. Graphics and texts have rich connotations. The advantages of texts are fast dissemination, low technical threshold, easy to organize and modify, and rich materials. So what's the point of creating pictures? In fact, there are two basic requirements: hot spots + originality. Hotspots are chasing hotspots. We are required to pay more attention to hotspot websites such as instant hotlists, track hotspots on the entire network in time, and keep up with hotspot creations. The second is to ensure the originality of the pictures and texts. After the creation is completed, we can use the easy-to-write tool to detect the originality of the article, and publish it after reaching more than 70%.

02 Videos

If you want to make videos, if you are a novice, it is difficult to output new videos for a long time. First of all, a good video must have high-definition picture quality, and also have its own unique copywriting and video characteristics. Secondly, after the short video is shot, video production needs to be done later, with subtitles, background music, transition effects, etc., to achieve more effects. You also need to think about the copywriting, start the title, and do the operation. It is not that everything will be fine.

Therefore, in general, if you are a newcomer to the media, it is recommended to start with pictures and texts. It is best to make short videos with a certain operational foundation, or only when there are certain resources available, otherwise it is easy to give up halfway.

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