Choose this from the media field in 2022! Super bonus period is coming


Which one should we choose in the field of self-media in 2022? In 2020, you will miss film and television clips, and in 2021 you will miss film commentary, but in 2022, you must not miss documentary commentary, which will be the development trend of the new year. Do not believe? Today, I will analyze it for you, what is so good about the explanation of the documentary:

01 Documentary bonus period

The group of people who teach film and television editing can hardly be found on the platform. I don’t need to say more about the copyright issue. Everyone knows it well. Those who can earn Q by doing movie commentary are all the big ones, and they are all slow at present. Slowly cooperates with the copyright owner and broadcasts the movie directly. Therefore, if you are a newcomer, it is not recommended to be a film and television account. You can choose to do a documentary commentary. Documentaries are now watched by many people, and they are not worried about infringement.

02 Advantages of documentaries

First of all, documentaries are real life cases. They record everything in our lives, including fun, sadness, excitement, thrills, challenges and other types, allowing people to experience what happens around them, such as in the hospital. Patients, emotional and ethical events, large-scale public welfare programs, wild survival challenges, nature revealing, etc., these are all things that the audience will be very interested in.

03 Documentary material source

How to find documentary material? In fact, it is very simple. The first is the official website, the official website of major video websites, preferably foreign documentaries, so that you don't have to worry about copyright issues, and the second is the professional self-media platform - Yizhuan. Yizhuan's video library has a large number of video materials, and you can download multiple video materials at one time, and you can also filter according to keywords, playback volume, etc.

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